Monday, August 29, 2011


Earlier, I discussed the disproportionate use of lights and sirens in our responses.  Sure enough, someone just has to prove me wrong.

We are responding to a doc-in-the-box that calls our service at least once a day.  This clinic doesn't have a stellar reputation, nor does it have a terrible reputation.  Just another urgent care facility. 

Apparently, they called my dispatch center directly and requested an ambulance.  Somewhere during that conversation, an employee at said urgent care facility mentioned that the patient was complaining of chest pain.  And difficulty breathing.  And has a history of PE.  And an abnormal EKG. 

...And wants us to come non emergency.

This patient was genuinely sick.  She was in sinus tach at 130, and in obvious distress.  Her room air O2 saturations were very easy to take, as the clinic staff hadn't bothered to administer any, much less check her SpO2.  It was 88.  The staff did, however, start a 24 gauge INT for me.  Sweet.

Her 12-lead, physical exam and history all scream PE.  And this doctor either:

A. Didn't know it.  (Which makes me wonder why not)
B. Wasn't that concerned about it.  (Which makes me want to ask him why) ...or...
C. Knew that I personally would be the one to respond and take care of the patient.  (Which makes me want to shake his hand.)

Maybe I'm just complaining too much.

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