So Slimm and I are awoken from a nap to respond to a man with a piece of a metal fence stuck in his leg.
We were having a good nap. There had better be a humongous piece of metal stuck in this man's leg.
Finally we find the guy. About as far away from the entrance to the scene as you can get. I will, and did, drive my ambulance across a football field, baseball field, and a lacrosse field.
Sure enough, this guy has a piece of a metal fence, the kind used to hold up silk fences around construction sites, impaled in the back of his leg. Well done, man, well done. Thank you for interrupting my nap with a genuine problem.
"How did this happen?"
"I was texting my daughter while walking, and tripped, and fell down. I guess I just landed the right way."
He's gonna be OK. After some surgery, that is.
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